Law firm
Sandulli Battini Cimino
The Law Firm carries out judicial protection and extrajudicial assistance in the areas of administrative, constitutional and economic law. It has a network of connections with law firms of national importance in the civil, commercial, criminal, tax and international and European fields.

The Law Firm was founded in 2015 by a group of professionals already established in university and forensic activities and used to working together for a long time.
The Firm is inspired by criteria of high professionalism and competence, privileges the artisanal processing of judicial and extrajudicial documents, ensures a high capacity for reflection and argumentation, guarantees reliability and confidentiality in relations with customers.

Areas of Activity

Administrative law

We provide legal advice to public and private entities and carry out judicial protection activities before the Council of State and the Regional Administrative Courts on the principles and rules that govern relations between public administrations and citizens.

Constitutional right

The Firm carries out judicial and extrajudicial activities for the protection of the fundamental rights and constitutional guarantees of citizens, as well as for the examination of the constitutional legitimacy of the provisions of state and regional law; to this end, it defends in judgments before the Constitutional Court and is among the law firm leaders in the protection before the self-declaring bodies of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic.

Public contract law

Among the activities for which the Firm has gained considerable experience is that of consultancy and judicial protection on the subject of public contracts and administrative concessions, both from the side of public administrations and from that of private economic operators.

Public services law

The Firm has significant experience in the public services sector, in particular in the economic area, especially with reference to the discipline of public companies.

Competition and credit law

We deal with the growing public intervention in the economy under different profiles, both in the area of ​​competition discipline and in the area of ​​credit protection, for example in terms of Golden Power, bank resolution, non-performing loans.

Health and drug law

The Firm carries out consultancy and judicial activities in the area of ​​health law and in the drugs placing on the market.

Environmental and urban planning law

We take care of drafting opinions and judicial acts on environmental law and urban planning law.

Cultural heritage law

The law firm has gained substantial experience in consultancy and jurisdictional activities relating to the discipline of cultural heritage, both in terms of enhancement and the relationship between public and private, and in terms of public links to cultural heritage.

Sports law

We have followed cases in the field of sports law, both as regards the procedures before the sports justice, and as regards sports disputes before the ordinary and administrative courts.

Public Labor Law

The Firm carries out judicial activities in the area of ​​public competitions, public employment and the employment relationship with public administrations, both as regards the discipline of public management and as regards public employees.

Education and research law

We provide legal advice and protection in the area of ​​school legislation, higher education and research, with particular reference to the discipline of universities and research institutions, both for what concerns the organization and functioning of public and private bodies, both with regard to public competitions.

Administrative-accounting responsibility

The Firm provides advice on administrative and accounting liability and carries out judicial activities before the Court of Auditors, with particular reference to judgments for tax damage.

The Professional

Partners of the Firm

Aldo Sandulli

Founding partner

Benedetto Cimino

Founding partner

Stefano Battini

Founding partner


Tel. +39 06 3720437
Fax. +39 06 3720585


Via Fulcieri Paulucci de Calboli, 9
00195 Roma (RM)